Our services


Make presenteeism visible in your organisation.

  • Measure your entire organisation
  • Insights & analysis
  • Action proposals
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The IMR system

Create measurable results on presenteeism and sick leave and increase productivity.

  • Screening, KPIs, analysis & reporting
  • Targeted interventions with health coaching
  • Access to IMR's app
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Health Challenge

Create engagement around well-being.

  • 21 days of fun activities
  • Compete against each other at work
  • Lectures and support from a health coach
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Companies working with us as a health partner

A whole new approach to your health work, that pays off quickly

You probably keep track of your company’s sick leave. But how well do you keep track of presenteeism? Presenteeism is when employees go to work even though they are not feeling well, for example due to pain and stress that is not visible from the outside. Despite this, presenteeism has major negative consequences in terms of reduced productivity – which can cost a company as much as twice as much as sick leave.

Traditional health interventions such as step competitions, office yoga and office environment surveys do not work. Those who are already active and feeling good stick with it, while those who need a change refrain and don’t get anything out of the interventions. That’s why we’ve developed a new way of working with workplace health together with some of Sweden’s leading researchers – a way that’s measurable, strategic and delivers a targeted impact where it’s really needed.

By creating a positive trend in IMR's KPIs, presenteeism decreases, employees improve their well-being and productivity increases.

— Mats Börjesson, professor within physiology at Sahlgrenska

By working proactively, you can save 8.1 million SEK. Each year.

A company with 1000 employees

Costs of productivity loss converted into SEK based on average salary of SEK 40 000/month.


Annual savings with preventive work against ill health.

Your company today

This is what the prevalence of ill health looks like in the company today with a standard reactive health approach. Costs calculated on lost productivity time.

Cost of ill-health among employees

Presence of presenteeism 40%
Presence of sick leave 4.7%


Cost of presenteeism (lost productivity time)


Cost of sick leave


Total annual cost of employee ill-health (Can rise to over 67 MSEK in case of need for substitutes during sick leave)

With the IMR system for prevention

With strategic and preventive health work focusing on combating presenteeism, you can reduce costs both through increased productivity and reduced sick leave and see the effect already in the first year.

Reduced ill-health among employees

Presence of presenteeism 30%
Presence of sick leave 4.0%


Cost of presenteeism (lost productivity time)


Cost of sick leave


Corresponds to an annual cost reduction of 8.1 MSEK (can be over 11 MSEK including replacements during sick leave).

Screening of presenteeism

Make presenteeism visible, measurable and actionable

Our digital screening helps you measure and map presenteeism in your organisation to really get a handle on the health risks in your workforce. Of course, you also get spot-on advice and recommendations on what interventions can reduce ill health and thus increase productivity.

Read more about screening
The IMR app

An effective support to behavior change

Develop your well-being day by day with a personal health plan filled with exercises, recipes and knowledge tailored to you. You can also participate in fun health challenges with your colleagues.

Read more about the IMR system
Individual health coaching

Improved lifestyle habits with the support of our health coaches

Our health coaches help you improve your lifestyle habits to develop well-being and workability. All our coaches are university educated in the subject and have in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in helping many different types of individuals with their challenges.

Read more about the IMR system
Health challenge

Get the whole team moving

The Health Challenge is a 21-day program focusing on physical activity and recovery. Each participant chooses how they want to complete the challenge and what level they feel is appropriate. It's a fun way to create engagement around your health initiative that is guaranteed to be a talking point in the office.

Read more about the health challenge